Suggested Dosing Protocols
Scroll to the bottom to see the calendar examples of dosing schedules.
Types of Dosing Options
Beginner MicroDosing
Try 1-2 Caps of HEAL or ENHANCE 50 or 100mg in the morning or early afternoon. Not on an empty stomach but also not completely full stomach is ideal to start.
Wait 1-2 days between doses to allow integration of experiences and gauge tolerance/impact longer-term.
Consider combining them with nature time, a bath, yoga, or other relaxing, nurturing, or creative activities to start.
Ensure you have enough rest, but prioritize things that calm the nervous system, especially on microdose days.
Intermediate to Experienced MicroDosing
1-2 Caps of Heal, Enhance or Glow 100mg any time of day before 3 pm to start, eating them in the mornings tends to be more of a boost.
Wait 1 or 2 days between doses depending on your needs/symptoms.
Intuitive MicroDosing
This has proven to be the most popular option for people that buy our microdoses, particularly parents. It means that rather than sticking to a schedule you take them when and if you feel like you need a boost, they’ve been described as ‘on-demand anti depressants’.
This will become more clear after you try them a few times. For most people, this method usually means dosing twice a week or so and then maybe more of a recreational dose on the weekends. You may still want to track mood patterns in a journal.
More Severe Symptoms or for a Jumpstart
For severe depressive or anxiety symptoms, try 1-2 weeks of everyday microdosing (and consider higher doses if you are already on other medications or are not feeling much of an effect from t he suggested doses) combined with an intensive sleeping protocol, activities such as sweating and consuming magnesium or other minerals, and GABA before bed.
Recreational Dosing
Recreational dosing is about 2-5 times that of a microdose and approximately 250mg-500mg of psilocybin.
This dose can help us be more present and appreciate joyful moments when we have more time to relax or be with friends and loved ones.
Spending time in nature or exercising, being creative, going to shows or events, cooking, or anything else that you enjoy is ideal for recreational dosing.
PMS, Menopause
We’ve also heard a lot of excellent customer feedback about using microdosing to combat depressive or emotional overwhelm related to hormonal shifts, PMS, and PPMD.
Things to Consider
Starting at, and maintaining, a low dose (‘low’ is different for everyone) for as long as possible is ideal. This ensures the impact is consistent and doses remain effective. This is also why taking 1-2+ days off between doses is suggested.
These days between doses are when many of our deepest insights and awarenesses come up and can be integrated and understood more fully, off days are goldmines!
Body mass, hormonal cycles, and food consumed prior to and generally can impact the effectiveness of microdosing, please keep these in mind when you are considering what dose is appropriate. Make sure to stay hydrated and well-fed.
Lemon Tek
Generally, citrus fruits or juice will increase the intensity and onset of any effects of microdosing, as well combining it with caffeine or any other stimulants.
This can be great for dancing, exercise, cleaning etc. Check out the LemonTek method online for more info.
Alcohol and Cannabis
If you already consume cannabis regularly then feel free to continue as usual.
You can consume alcohol with microdoses but we suggest doing so in moderation until you understand how they impact you.
Microdosing is a powerful tool in supporting a shift in the relationship to alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, and food if desired.
Antidperessants, SSRI’S, SNRI’S
Some SSRIs can completely block the effects of psilocybin, even if they haven’t been consumed in a year or more they could still potentially impair the ability to feel the effects of micro and even macro doses. Experiment with larger doses if you think this could be the case for you, 150-200mg+ if needed.
Experiment with them and have fun, you can't do it wrong! We’re big fans of the dinner dose which is essentially eating a microdose just before eating a meal. The food seems to support the absorption of the microdose which makes for a great evening.